[ihc-hide-content ihc_mb_type="show" ihc_mb_who="2,3" ihc_mb_template="-1" ]Horizon 2020 - «Impresa Comune Celle a combustibile e idrogento 2 »
Numero di riferimento: H2020-JTI-FCH-2019
[ihc-hide-content ihc_mb_type="show" ihc_mb_who="2,3" ihc_mb_template="-1" ]Per il 2019 sono aperte le seguenti tematiche (topic):
FCH-01-1-2019: Demonstrating the blueprint for a zero-emission logistics ecosystem
Scadenza: 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-01-2-2019: Scaling up and demonstration of a multi-MW Fuel Cell system for shipping
Scadenza: 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-01-3-2019: Cyber-physical platform for hybrid Fuel Cell systems
Scadenza: 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-01-4-2019: Towards a better understanding of charge, mass and heat transports in new generation PEMFC MEA for automotive applications
Scadenza: 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-01-5-2019: Underground storage HRS
Scadenza: 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-02-1-2019: Combined electrolyser-HRS and Power-to-Gas system
Scadenza: 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-02-2-2019: Multi megawatt high-temperature electrolyser for valorisation as energy vector in energy intensive industry
Scadenza: 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-02-3-2019: Continuous supply of green or low carbon H2 and CHP via Solid Oxide Cell based Polygeneration
Scadenza: 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-02-4-2019: New Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolysers
Scadenza. 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-02-5-2019: Systematic validation of the ability to inject hydrogen at various admixture level into highpressure gas networks in operational conditions
Scadenza: 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-02-6-2019: New materials, architectures and manufacturing processes for Solid Oxide Cells
Scadenza: 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-02-7-2019: Development of highly efficient and flexible mini CHP fuel cell system based on HTPEMFCs
Scadenza. 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-02-8-2019: Enhancement of durability and reliability of stationary PEM and SOFC systems by implementation and integration of advanced diagnostic and control tools
Scadenza: 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-03-1-2019: H2 Valley
Scadenza. 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-04-1-2019: Training of Responders
Scadenza: 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-04-2-2019: Refueling Protocols for Medium and Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Scadenza: 23 aprile 2019.
FCH-04-3-2019: Hydrogen admixtures in natural gas domestic and commercial end uses
Scadenza. 23 aprile 2019.
[ihc-hide-content ihc_mb_type="show" ihc_mb_who="2,3" ihc_mb_template="-1" ]I partecipanti devono avere sede in uno Stato Membro dell’Unione Europea o in un paese associato al programma Horizon 2020.
Tutti i soggetti giuridici stabiliti nei seguenti paesi e territori saranno idonei a ricevere finanziamenti attraverso le sovvenzioni di Horizon 2020:
- Gli Stati membri dell' U.E;
- Paesi e territori oltremare collegati agli stati membri.
Dotazione finanziaria per il 2019: 80.800.000 di EURO
[ihc-hide-content ihc_mb_type="show" ihc_mb_who="2,3" ihc_mb_template="-1" ]Bandi H2020-JTI-FCH-2019
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